Saturday, August 29, 2009
He's still a little bit tiny for the pocket of the sling, so I always find that I have to move the fabric away so it's not covering his face too much, but he doesn't seem to mind.
Joe complains that I bought a girly pattern, but he is a good sport and will wear the sling outside to play fetch with Clipper.
Pen and Coin Holder
Even with the new baby I have found time, in between feedings and with Alison's help, to get into my workshop and play. This project was to fill a need to wrangle up the coins and pens I had strewn all over my desk at work. I also wanted to use some of the short cuts of bubinga I had bought the last time I was at Exotic Lumber Inc.
I don't have a lathe so I improvised. I made the cup by creating a hexagon and cutting most of the waste away with the bandsaw (including the interior waste). Then I slowed the drill press down as slow as it would go and built a makeshift lathe with all thread, two plywood caps, and some nuts and washers and sanded the rest away.
I used "salad bowl" wipe-on finish because it was easy and I always like the way it looks.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tummy Time
I can't decide between looking at Mommy, napping, and tasting the Boppy, so I'll just do all three at once.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bath Time!

A Day at the Park
First, we went to a locally-famous hot dog stand which turned out to be a trailer in the parking lot of our local garden center.
Joe loved the Chicago-style hot dog (yes, there's actually a hot dog buried under all those bizarre toppings), but I wasn't a fan.
Ian slept through the whole meal.
Then we headed to Algonkian Park, where we found a bench with a lovely view of the Potomac River.
We also made our requisite weekend trip to Home Depot. Predictably, Ian slept through that too.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
1 Month Old
At one month of age, Ian:
* is just now fitting into his newborn-sized clothes.
* drinks 3-4 ounces at every feeding and eats every 3-4 hours.
* weighs 7 lbs 12 oz.
* can lift his head off a shoulder or the floor and hold it up for a long time.
* can follow objects with his eyes.
* can grasp objects tightly, especially Mommy's hair and earrings.
* can inch his way across his play mat during tummy time by pushing up on his tip-toes and straightening his legs.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ian and His Best Friend Clipper
Clipper: "But WHY can't I lick the baby??"
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Our first trip around the neighborhood in the stroller.
Uncle Tom puts me right to sleep.
Daddy, the news is boring ... turn on some cartoons!
I am staring intently at "Empire Strikes Back" on TV. Daddy has already turned me into a geek.