The Hansroth family spent the day at the
National Harbor to kick off the Christmas season. We started the morning with a trip through
ICE!, which featured the story of
How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It was only 9 degrees inside the ICE rooms, so we all had to bundle up in our warm parkas.

My favorite is always the Grinch's dog.

Joe and Emily braved the ice slides, but by this point Ian was so cold we had to make a hasty exit.

Ian's favorite part was the fountain in the hotel atrium. He kept pointing at it and saying 'bubble.'

We also went for a ride on the Potomac Express. Ian wasn't sure what to make of the experience.

Then e did some shopping around the harbor and ate lunch before calling it a day. We had a lot of fun, so much so that all three of us slept late on Sunday!