Monday, May 28, 2012

Swimming Pool

Today we made our first trip to the swimming pool this season.  Mia loved it!

She liked kicking her legs and splashing her hands in the water.

Ian's swimming lessons are really paying off because he wanted to go all over the pool.  He waded in up to his chin before he wanted to be carried, and he jumped off the side several times and even went under on a few jumps.  He is doing great with his water confidence, and he can't wait to swim in Aunt Janet's pool in a few weeks.

Water Fun

Since Ian decided not to take a nap yesterday, Joe put him to work washing the car.

Then he spent some time running through the sprinkler.

Meanwhile, Mia played in the shade.

We had lots of fun!

Meadowlark Gardens

Now that the weather is nice we've been trying to get out more on the weekends.  Yesterday we went to Meadowlark Botanical Gardens so Ian could run around.  He really liked seeing the turtles, fish, and baby geese.

Tea party with the frogs and ducks

Monday, May 21, 2012

Strawberry Jubilee

Yesterday we went to the Strawberry Jubilee at Great Country Farms.  They had live music, playgrounds, and special strawberry-themed food.  Joe was particularly fond of the strawberry glazed donuts.

Mia got her photo taken while she waited to see the Strawberry Princess.

Ian was too busy on the playground.

Joe also loved the pedal car track, and I think Ian did too.

As always, Ian's favorite activity is the slide.

Taking a break in the shade.

Ian surprised us by wanting to go on a pony ride - he did great!

Ian picked a quart of strawberries, which are right now in the freezer becoming homemade strawberry chocolate-chip ice cream.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Jazz by the Lake

Last night the middle school and high school jazz bands held their spring concert in the outdoor amphitheater by the lake in our neighborhood.  The weather was very nice so we stopped by to watch for a while.

Load up the wagon

PB&J picnic-style


Ian liked the clapping part best.  He also insisted on wearing his rain boots.

Sticky Face

Mia is doing very well with her solid foods, gobbling up two servings a day.  She loves to grab the spoon and chew on it, which always results in a sticky, but very cute, mess.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Slugger in Training

Ian loves to play baseball, especially hitting the ball with his baseball bat.  We are hoping to take him to a few Cardinals games this year, both in St. Louis and D.C.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

6 Months Old

Mia is 6 months old today!  She is celebrating with a double ear infection, a yucky head cold, and a fountain of drool from what I can only guess is her first tooth about to come through.  At least she is still her happy self through it all.

At 6 months, Mia:
  • Weighs 14lb12oz and measures 25 3/4 inches.
  • Can almost sit up by herself!  She can do it for about a minute then usually topples over, especially if something interesting is just beyond her reach, but she's getting better every day.
  • Drinks 4 bottles and eats 2 solid food servings a day.  Her favorite foods are oatmeal, apples, and pears.  She does not care for peaches and peas.
  • Generally sleeps from 7pm to 6am and naps 2-3 times during the day.
  • Is quickly growing out of her size 6m clothes.
  • Loves to giggle at her big brother.