Ian refueled with some lunch and M&Ms before the last hour of the drive.
We visited the Please Touch Museum, Philadelphia's children's museum. The kids tried out the trolley car.
Making the feathers fly.
Riding the monorail.
Ian practiced being a crane operator.
The duck pond was Mia's favorite.
Getting ready to deliver the mail.
Ian thought staying in a hotel was really fun. Here they are having some early morning snacks, not quite awake yet.
On Sunday morning we did some touring of the museum district before heading home. Ian liked the Logan Square fountain best.
Mia just wanted to watch, and occasionally throw in some gravel.
We climbed the famous stairs at the Museum of Art.
We made it all the way to the top!
Our last stop was the famous Love statue and fountain. Ian didn't like the fountain, but Mia thought it was fun.

It was such a nice day we got out the water table when we got home, and Mia really enjoyed it!