Most of the photo shoot went something like this:
As he crosses the one-year mark, we are amazed at how much Ian has changed and what a wonderful little boy he's become. He is always happy and cheerful, loves to play and giggle at other kids, and will always return a grin. He babbles up a storm, but he still calls everything "da." He's not quite walking, but we won't be surprised if he's ready any day now. He loves to throw his toys and food (the dogs appreciate that last part very much), and is very good at putting smaller objects inside of bigger ones. He's a super eater, although he still hasn't warmed up to scrambled eggs or some fruits. He sleeps 11 hours at night, and has been waking up much later since we put blackout curtains in his room. He moved up to the next room at school, and his teachers are so pleased at how well he is adjusting. We've certainly had a wonderful year and we're excited to see how much more Ian will grow in the next year.
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