Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Few Photos from January

I have been very lax about taking photos and posting them lately, so here are a few shots from the last few weeks to tide you over until we do something interesting enough to warrant a real post.

Ian had an ear infection and a cold, so he got to curl up on the couch with his pillow, blanket, and bunny and watch movies.

Mia took her first real bath in the tub with Ian. Even though she seemed to enjoy it, it was not a total success as this tub is junk so we returned it. Still looking for a good solution for combined bath time.

Ian agreed to take a break from watching Dora to pose for a photo with his sister.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2 Months Old

Mia is 2 months old!

At 2 months, Mia:
- drinks 4-5 ounces of formula 5 times a day.
- weighs 9lbs 9oz and measures 21.5 inches.
- has grown out of her newborn clothes, and is starting to fit in some of her 0-3m outfits.
- likes to stay up late, but once she falls asleep, around 11pm, sleeps through until about 6am.
- has started to grin and coo, and has more happy awake time during the day.
- has recently decided she likes her paci.
- is getting very good at supporting her head.