Monday, March 8, 2010

Riding in Style

Ian is touring Target in the shopping cart like a big boy!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre


  1. Aw, love the hoodie! I tried Maggie in the shopping cart this weekend. It did not go well, ha.

  2. He starts to slump to the side after a little while, so he's not completely ready for the shopping cart. On the other hand, he's much happier in the cart than in the car seat carrier, and my back is much happier not wearing him.

  3. haha! so cute i like how his hoodie matches his seat cover thing. he's one stylin dude!

  4. Yeah, slumping was Maggie's problem too and she did not like it. Now that it's getting warmer and I don't mind taking longer to put her on, I think I'll start wearing her on my back. It's a pain shopping with her on my front, which is weird because I don't remember minding with Jack.

  5. I haven't braved the back carry yet. I'm not sure I could do it safely by myself.
