Friday, December 16, 2011

A Visit with Santa

Tonight Santa stopped by the Frugality Ct Christmas party to check up on all the boys and girls to make sure they were being nice instead of naughty. Santa brought a present for Ian, but he was too distracted by his delicious cookie. When Santa asked Ian what he wanted for Christmas, Ian said "a cupcake!"

Mia got a present from Santa too, but she was too sleepy to notice.

Mommy was hoping for a present from Santa too, but no luck.

Then Mia and Santa took a little nap.


  1. Like! Mommy should definitely get some good presents this year.

  2. What a good Santa - much better then waiting for four hours the other day - Ian did a good job - no tears and Mia was precious - a cupcake - now that is a little boy who has everything he wants - love and comfort
