Friday, October 16, 2009

3 Months Old

Ian is 3 months old today! He looks *just* like his Dad in his birthday photo this month.

At 3 months old, Ian:
* has almost outgrown all of his 0-3 month clothes and fits well in size 1 diapers.
* eats 5.5 ounces of formula 6 times a day.
* sleeps really well at night: falls asleep on his own in his crib, sleeps 6-7 hours, wakes once to eat, and goes right back to sleep on his own until around 8am.
* does not do quite as well with nap time.
* grins and giggles at everyone and everything, including his toys, Clipper, and ceiling fans.
* is starting to concentrate on toys and show preference for his favorites.
* unintentionally grabs and holds hanging toys. He is always very surprised and happy when this happens!
* "talks" a lot and sucks his thumb when he's tired.
* still hates tummy time.


  1. He's growing so quickly!! Adorable!! And definitely looking like Joe!

  2. Look how big he's getting!!!! And wow, mini-Joe but I def see some of his Mama in there too!
