Wednesday, December 16, 2009

5 Months Old!

Ian is 5 months old today! In his birthday photo, he is grinning because he was sitting by himself then started to topple over, which he thinks is hilarious.

At 5 months old, Ian:
* eats 5-6 ounces of formula 5 times a day, and a bowl of rice cereal once a day.
* is between sizes in clothing. His 3-6 month clothes still fit but are getting snug and short, and his 6-9 month clothes are still too big.
* wears size 1 diapers. (we are hanging on as long as we can to the size 1s because we've got tons of them. lesson learned - don't buy diapers too far in advance!)
* has completely dropped his early evening nap and is in bed a little earlier as a result, usually around 7:30. He occasionally wakes once around 4am to eat, but mostly sleeps through until 7am. Unfortunately his afternoon nap isn't getting any longer though.
* has started teething, as evidenced by the rash on his face caused by the constant fountain of drool. Luckily it doesn't seem to bother him too much.
* loves storytime and sing-alongs at the library and his class at The Little Gym.
* can roll from his belly to his back pretty quickly, mostly in a desperate attempt to avoid tummy time.
* has discovered his feet and usually tries very hard, without success (yet), to pull off his socks.