Friday, December 11, 2009

Santa's Visit

Santa stopped by Frugality Court to hand out some early Christmas gifts and sample the milk and cookies. Santa gave Ian a teething toy, and Ian sat on his lap and was completely unphased.

Then Joe got to sit on Santa's lap too. Hopefully he asked for a deck, a new car, and a winning Powerball ticket.


  1. ha ha ha, I flove that pic of Joe.

    Ooh, is Ian teething? His cheeks look red, but maybe that's just the pic.

  2. I think part of that redness is just that he's warm (there were easily 50 people in that room and I had him in the ergo, plus he's wearing fleece pants and a fleece sweatshirt over a onesie, so I think mostly I just roasted him). He's been a drool factory lately, though, and he's been a lot more interested in biting down on things, so he might also be starting to teethe.
